Fixed Bookings Rate
Our Fixed option holds your child's place on set days each week, all year round. This means your child's place is always guaranteed! We require 1 weeks notice for any changes to their booking pattern (availability dependent) and 4 weeks notice to terminate your place. A holiday discount of four weeks at 50% pro rata is available when one months notice given. This runs from January to December.
Flexi Bookings Rate
Our Flexi option allows you to book your child in the Wednesday of the week before the booking. Places aren't guaranteed with our Flexi option and are on a first come, first served basis. We require just 1 weeks notice for any changes to bookings and to terminate your place. Any cancellations less than 1 weeks notice are still chargeable.
Pre-School Fees
When your child attends Skelton Primary School Nursery the following fees are applied:
You will be charged a normal full day rate if your child attends Dots n Spots before and after their nursery class session for wrap around care.
If your child attends a morning session at school nursery and they attend Dots n Spots for the rest of the afternoon the cost will be £2.10 lunch and £7.40 for the additional hour totalling £9.50 plus the half day fee.
If your child attends an afternoon session at school nursery and attends Dots n Spots on the morning we will take your child to school at 12:30pm, this will be charged at a half day rate.
There is a small Registration fee of £10.00 which will be added to your initial invoice.
Funded Childcare - Additional Fees
If your child attends the setting using government funding, there are additional fees for meals, trips and wrap around childcare as this is not covered by government funding. Meal fees are £2.10 Lunch and £1.60 Tea (breakfast & snacks are provided free of charge). You may provide your child with a packed lunch/tea if you do not wish to pay for meals. Trip costs are dependent on the activity, families will be notified in advance with the option to opt out. If you require wrap around childcare please see the "Pre-School Fees" section above for the fees that apply.
Registration Fee - £10.00
Full Week
Booked Rate
7:30 - 18:00
Full Day
Booked Rate
7:30 - 18:00
Half Day
Booked Rate
7:30 - 12:30 or 13:00 - 18:00
Oldest sibling
Full Week
Flexi Rate
7:30 - 18:00
Full Day
Flexi Rate
7:30 - 18:00
Half Day
Flexi Rate
7:30 - 12:30 or 13:00 - 18:00
Second child if 3 children
Registration Fee - £10.00
Breakfast club
07:30 - 08:30
After School Club
Until 5pm
Holiday Club
Full Day
7:30 - 18:00
Oldest sibling
After School Club
Until 4pm
After School Club
Until 6pm
Holiday Club
Half Day
7:30 - 12:30 or 13:00 - 18:00
Second child if 3 children
Meal Fees​
*Apply to funded places only, as this is not covered by government funding.
Pre-School Breakfast club
Before AM nursery (if they don't return to us after).
Mid-day nursery
Pick up from Nursery 11:15am until 13:00 (lunch included).